doki doki

July 31, 2006


Filed under: friends, pets — yuffie @ 7:39 pm

while jogging with Bambi (formerly known as clover) i decided to drop by nechama’s since she just moved and guess what? she had the same movers we did 😆 (but a completely different experience) in the end though i had to rush back because i found out my mother wasn’t feeling well T_T it really sucks to be sick! i think i’ll stay up tonight and sort through boxes for her so she can rest more at ease knowing things are getting done.

Also, i don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but both gab and alr are being such assholes! what are their problems? gabs been all moody lately and i seriously can’t stand his attitudes. alr is like stalking me or something, and she emailed me today saying “i was bored so i was going to the forums you usually go to and i read what you wrote [insert my comment here] and you should just know, anybody can read it, as i just proved to you” WTF? i think i knew that by posting something up, it would be available to whoever’s interested in reading it, secondly, what is she…my mother? i don’t know, she just really pisses me off sometimes

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