doki doki

July 11, 2006

Guess what?!

Filed under: school — yuffie @ 8:30 pm

Ahuva just called me and she was like “I think the turkey guy’s engaged” and i was like “no friggin way” so i asked my mother after and she was like “yeah, he called this morning to tell me” *insert jaw drop here* well some things just aren’t meant to be (for some reason this seems oddly familiar to my best friend’s wedding…) whatever, i’m happy for him, truly 😉

sad wallet

Filed under: doll, school — yuffie @ 7:21 pm

i sure spent a lot today heh heh… the 2 ccs momokos came out and i got these little outfits from cindy^^ well at least i know i won’t be spending anymore since we’re moving. tommorow’s my math exam so i have to go study some more…

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