doki doki

July 6, 2006

Turkey guy

Filed under: school, Uncategorized — yuffie @ 5:22 pm

have you ever felt that you found ‘mr right’ but because you are too…i dunno you just brush him off? that’s kind of how i feel about the turkey guy. no he is not the guy at the supermarket that sells turkey, i call him that because of a little joke he played on me which i didn’t find funny at the time, but it actually kind of is 🙂 anyhow, now he’s in New York studying to be a doctor and i’m here… well if it’s really meant to be he’ll come back i suppose.

today i cleaned my room since we’ll be moving soon and i filled 2 garbage bags of useless stuff! i’m not kidding (or as nechama would say “are you joshing me?”) —>ha ha josh is such a hot name. anyhow, gtg take the dog out for a walk! we’re going to hertzeliah tommorow for the weekend with claude and his…person and then i have a makeup exam on monday >_< but it’s only english so it’s not that bad 🙂

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