doki doki

July 26, 2006

Busy week…

Filed under: moving, pets, school — yuffie @ 10:47 pm

sorry i haven’t posted in a while. It’s been really hectic around here unpacking and all but i’m back! Avichai (the guy who was working part time as a mover mentioned in my post bellow) came over today, so it was nice to see him again 🙂

Bambi got worms now so we’ve been keeping him out till we can get him over to the vet. Poor guy keeps whimpering at the door 😥 but i made sure to go jogging with him so he got lots of attention and exercise.  Oh today my little brother graduated from elementary (well really junior high) so i went to that. I was so proud of him! he worked so hard on all the computer related stuff for the class, and he was seriously working up till the last minute *proud*

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