doki doki

June 30, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — yuffie @ 3:46 pm

i’ve made myself a weight loss program that’ll be from now till December (let’s see if i can even keep it that long 😉 ) and i’m also going to go biking every night (i decided i don’t care what Mrs. s thinks <_<) and by then i should be invisible mwahaha! i think walking to our new apartment every day will also help towards my goal since it’s double the walk that i’ve had this year. i should really even kick myself out of bed in the morning and walk then too cuz then i’m guaranteed an hour walk each day^^ but i doubt that’ll happen.

June 29, 2006


Filed under: art, momoko, Uncategorized — yuffie @ 6:18 pm

i decided to browse through deviant-art and sort through my messages ( they accumulated soo much since i was last there! i must make it a point to check it more often) and now i’m all refreshed and inspired to draw some more! i want to experiment more with my inking pens to get the same kind of effect HOON gets^^

today i watched millennium actress again, ah it’s so good (^_^) progress on my chiyoko momoko is coming along well, all i need is the key necklace.

June 28, 2006

feeling apathetic

Filed under: Uncategorized — yuffie @ 5:11 pm

stupid hormones!!! i woke up feeling so weird, like i was going to be sick or something, so i just wasted the day lying around in pajamas doing nothing. i feel like nothings going right. we just lost the house we were going to buy and now since we needed to find something quick before this lease ended, we rented this small gross apartment >_< whatever, at least it’s in a good location.

on a better note, we made scones today (my first time, and they were actually pretty good!) and i got two slips (for the post office) so i’ll go pick up my stuff tomorrow…i wonder what came? maybe i’ll go watch a movie and stop trying to make that kimono since it looks like shit and my own mother doesn’t want to see it anymore <_<

June 27, 2006


Filed under: fun, momoko, Uncategorized — yuffie @ 9:06 am

yay rem finished akinori’s pink hair re-root! she looks so much better now and the hair looks so silky^^ i’m in the process of getting her some little red glasses to finish off her look ~

last night i had such a good dream! David was in it^^ seriously, what i wouldn’t give to see David again ^_^  maybe he’ll come down some time?

the accountant lady came over yesterday (sand-witched in between 2 back to back babysitting jobs >_<) but now my father wants to pay me so maybe it won’t e that bad after all, although i would feel bad taking money from him since he’s already paying the lady. i found out yesterday that she does river dancing! who would’ve thought XD

June 25, 2006

spirited away

Filed under: movies — yuffie @ 9:28 pm

yes school's over! *does little victory dance in her pj's* finally i have time to go through all the unwatched DVDs that have been accumulating in my room ^^ Gabriel just fixed my computer so it's good for another little while!

tonight i watched spirited away (yes i'm guilty of having let that one slide onto my 'waiting list') and it was so good! it still freaks me out how miyazaki draws pigs though <_< *shudders while remembering princess mononoke* it's so cool how two characters who look exactly alike and have the same voice can give off such different impressions eh? one thing that bothered me however were the extras. i hate when America puts in their little 2 cents. i really don't know why it bothers me so much… maybe it's because i think it takes away from the authenticity of the Japanese anime, or it could just be because i'm originally Canadian and that Canadian pride imbued in me just doesn't let me like America that much? hmm but nechama's American and i get along with her just fine… whatever, all in all it was a great movie and i can't wait to watch another one tomorrow! man i love vacation^^  

June 22, 2006

school uniforms

Filed under: fun, school — yuffie @ 2:26 pm

does anyone know where i can get little Japanese school uniforms for 1/6 dolls? i wanted to set up a diorama with some momokos since i just got some school desks and stuff :/  also go check out meisan's art site! (it's in my links) i just wish my art was half as good as hers (pity i wasn't born Japanese/Chinese ;0 )

the post office here also started this new thing of actually delivering the stuff to your door (rather than just leaving little slips in that huge thing down the road that contains everyone's mail) the only downside is that they just through the stuff in front of your door (exceot if you need to sign)

Claude and his uh…lady friend (i'll call her that till i find out what status she actually holds) are coming on Saturday so we're going to camp out at the Hilton and spend the weekend there (yay i hope we get that suite that we got last time! the bathroom was my favorite room^^ seriously! it was the biggest room first of all, secondly the floor was heated and the whole wall was this HUGE glass window overlooking the ocean!) i just hope i'll have time to study for my exam that's on Sunday…speaking of exams, i've got one tomorrow that i'm just not in the mood of studying but i'll go do that now…after i take a shower 😉 

June 21, 2006

boring day

Filed under: Uncategorized — yuffie @ 4:13 pm

well today was a waste of a day. i was supposed to to take care of my army papers but i ended up house-sitting instead. then that accountant lady came today so i just kept taking "coffee breaks" 😉 i'm thinking of going jogging after this so that i'll feel like i did something (too much free time= more time browsing shops on-line which is dangerous indeed (._.) ) oh shit i forgot to call Deena! she's having an operation tomorrow and i've been meaning to call her…OK i'll go do that now! 

June 20, 2006

stupid lady

Filed under: Uncategorized — yuffie @ 12:48 pm

ugh yesterday my father got a secretary to keep track of all his accounting (and i was glad to be relieved of the job since i seriously don't have enough time for it) so yesterday my father asked me to translate for him and do you know what she said to me?! she told me that i'd have to help her! i was like "lady, we're paying you to work, not me and you can't make me work" whatever, i'm still stuck as her "little helper" as she likes to call me >_< and every 2 seconds she's correcting my grammer! i hate it! doesn't she realise i've only been here like a year and that my native language is English and that Hebrew is my 4th?! whatever, if she wasn't so wrinkly and ugly i might've almost bit her yesterday lol 

she's coming in 15 minutes though and there's no one home to save me…maybe i'll call sarah and ask her to go for a walk with me^^ except then my father would be seriously pissed with me for leaving her alone (and probably waiting at the door :p)  

June 19, 2006

happy box

Filed under: momoko — yuffie @ 5:54 pm

life can be so cruel at times T_T just when i resolved not to spend any more money on unnecessary things, a happy box momoko shows up on eBay (see link) and not just any one of the happy box momokos…but one of the three i've been looking for since like march! and she even looks like the memoirs of a geisha girl too…T_T


someone seriously needs to teach me how to make those cute little cuts so that you can just click on some words and it'll automatically lead you to the link cuz this whole link business is way to crazy <_< 


Filed under: school — yuffie @ 4:18 pm

i wonder why the word carnival sounds like carnivore…coincidence? anyhow, today we made a carnival for special needs kids and while i was handing out lollipops (i always end up in charge of the food don't ?) Tamar came at me with a water balloon! so of course i retaliated with my own water balloon, but since my aim is let's just say less than perfect (and we were running) i missed T_T and then she got me again! so this time i retaliated with a bucket! that way even i can't miss! in the end, we both walked home soaking wet (i'm soakin' wet—> devorah's brother) and poor Tamar had to take the bus like that XD well actually it serves her right 😛 

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