doki doki

July 12, 2006

sooo bored…

Filed under: school — yuffie @ 10:32 pm

i had left a message on ahuva’s cell (she’s in Chicago now) right after he called me, and now she called me back like “what! he called you?! 😯 ” and then we got cut off cuz the long distance phone got unplugged 🙄 so now i’m waiting for her to call back (her phone’s weird and i can’t get through) i’m defiantly not waiting longer than an hour though, no matter what she had to say because we’re flying to Eilat and i hate planes >_< .

phone call

Filed under: school — yuffie @ 5:40 pm

guess who just called me? the turkey guy XD it was almost as if i could feel the tension in the air lol. he just said “hi” and i asked him if he was engaged…how dumb. and he was like “yeah”. then we were just silent for a while. i told him i was really happy for him…i just hope i sounded sincere because although i feel sincere, deep down i’m not too sure.

darn moogle

Filed under: music, sewing — yuffie @ 11:07 am

i’m spending way too long sewing this dumb moogle >_< well at least there’s good music playing^^ i’m listening to frou frou’s songs which are so good (not to mention her awesome music videos 🙂

i think i’m dehydrated…*runs off to get some water*

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